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About me
My name is Michal, I'm from Brno and I've celebrated my 45th birthday 11 times. I used to be a pretty good graphic designer (and unfortunately not such a good businessman). That's why I had to leave my graphic studio and start working in a job that has a clear working time and more rules. So I needed to find something where I could relax and employ my creative spirit. I have been photographing and drawing since I was a child, and in 2019 acrylic painting was added to them. I love nature, travel, music and Africa. I try to imprint positive energy and travel experiences not only in Uganda into my paintings.

And how did I come up with that weird name - Red Mzungu? I brought him from Africa. In East Africa, locals call whites "mzungu." And because the sun is not smeared on anyone at the equator (and I don't smear myself with sunscreen), I'm red as a crayfish after the first day. So no one will tell me the rest of my stay other than Red Mzungu.


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